Alchemy is the process of transformation, changing one thing into another.
What is mastering alchemy?
Intentional Living
Mastering Alchemy is a dynamic world full of resources, online courses, energy exercises, and tools. All within a diverse community of friends to meet, experience, and engage with.
It is an interactive and experiential environment designed to help individuals expand their consciousness, achieving greater balance in the mind, body, and spirit.
The simple, practical techniques show you how to enhance your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As you experiment, play, and interact, you peel away limiting beliefs, reconnect with your inner guidance system, and build your Lightbody—a cohesive energy system that supports your overall well-being.
Explore and play
A playground for the heart
By working with these energy tools and exercises, you are empowered. You become more intentional, choosing your thoughts and feelings instead of reacting from habits and emotions.
This allows you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and clarity. This helps you discern between societal programming and what is genuinely true for you, fostering a deeper connection with your authentic self. This is you stepping into joyful, intentional living. It is mastering the alchemy of change.
Mastering Alchemy offers an interactive pathway full of personal growth and self-discovery, helping you live an intentional life. Come play and see for yourself. See how this works for you.

This is alchemy at work:
Changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the elements of Love to create.
Jim Self
Jim Self has been leading for years. At 24 he was elected to two terms as Vice Mayor of San Jose. He was then asked by the President of the US to be the Director of Governmental Affairs for the Department of Energy. He has built, grown and sold three successful corporations.
With a foot in two worlds, Jim grew up clairvoyant, very intuitive and often invalidated by others, like so many sensitive, spiritual aware humans (you?). Guided by the internal wisdom of the Heart, he’s been asked to bring a Pathway into existence in the form of Mastering Alchemy. Not a Pathway of “Truth” but a pathway of Choice. This path has been co-created with Ascended Masters and the Archangelic realm and has assisted tens of thousands to begin to Know themselves and why they came here.
Jim’s deeper insights and clear wisdom have created a solid rail for many to explore and discover their own individual paths of choice, happiness and wellbeing; and to enjoy themselves.

Roxane Burnett
Roxane Burnett creates a balanced place for others to have fun – namely, Jim, and the rest of us! “When I took this body, I could remember where I came from. Home. And what I experienced here was Not That! So I was on a mission to find Home, here in my life. Backpacked alone from London to Katmandu. Lived in a Kibbutz. Explored intentional communities in the US. Lived in Haight-Ashbury. Finally resigned myself to the fact that what I remembered didn’t exist here. Then I stumbled into Jim and discovered I had it all along: Within me. Dorothy was right, “There’s no place like Home.” “


Content Coordinator

Community and Public Relations
Mastering Alchemy is about building a stable, balanced platform from which to enjoy living life in a whole new way.
A.J. Canada