Meet our Mentors

Our mentors are experienced members of Mastering Alchemy. They have completed all 5 levels of the program and are participating in the mastery level work. They can assist you with your questions as you seek to find your own answers. They can point you to the course material or share some of their personal experiences.

They are a great resource to connect with! You’ll find them in the Discord community with the yellow Mentor role tag and in the course community for levels 2 and above. More questions? Reach out to us via email.

Victoria Hart – victoria

Victoria Hart is a Self-Mastery Coach, Energy Healer and New Earth Leader. She has been exploring the metaphysical and mystical world for as long as she can remember and has studied with some great masters in cutting edge and revolutionary therapies, inviting exponential breakthrough results. Victoria has an innate ability to get to the heart of the matter and brings wisdom, inspiration and humility to empower people to break the looping cycles of programmed reality and consciously create a new life story. Her mission is to create balance and harmony between humanity and nature.

Gloria Earthraven Hunsberger – Gloria

Gloria Earthraven is a certified multi-dimensional master healer and spiritual empowerment coach specializing in guiding individuals on their journey of personal growth and transformation. She is guided by angelic beings, archangels, ascended masters, councils of light, and cosmic family light beings. Gloria’s mission is to raise global consciousness one person at a time, increasing joy and fulfillment. Gloria is a Certified iPEC/ACC Coach, Starchetype Certified Practitioner, Certified Crystal Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher, IET Master/Teacher, Certified Angel Light Weaver, and Ordained Reverend. Gloria has been a MA member since 2018.

Ank Kelly – ank

Ank Kelly, maths teacher, uses a perfect cauldron to engage people in conversation about a mystifying subject and create self-empowerment through research and insight. She creates a neutral atmosphere where you can be yourself, no mumbo jumbo! She reads tarot cards; the ‘friends’ had to lean on her to even do this. Recently she took up reiki. She uses intuition, knowingness and humor to put people at ease and create a light atmosphere. She writes about other lifetimes and alternative realities. In the 2010s, she found MA: the tools work!

Elizabeth Long – Elosongs

I function as an Interspecies activator in collaboration with the Animal Kingdom and AA Michael across systems of growth. How animals support us in transforming is easier and more fun than us trying to tell each other what to do. Classes are for everyone; 99% of students are surprised at how easy and joyful it is to turn on their translator and hear words. My 45 years of creative and spiritual study is a direct path from completing my MFA to facilitating the animals and the Earth for more direct participation through a unique feed of personalized info from the heart.

Michelle O’Leary – M1♾️

Hello. I’m Michelle, Creator of Spirit of Therapy, LLC, and an aspiring author of  Energetic Living: Present-Moment Multidimensional Life.   I bring in-the-moment mentoring reflections and possibilities into awareness to uplift co-creative flow.  I possess and tap into my knowing, creativity, and psychic skills, translated through writing, photography & reels, online groups and programs, and therapeutic personal & leadership coaching. Nature, water & celestial beauty, creatures & winged ones, harmonics & vibrations, and universal, multidimensional energetics inspire me.  Contact me at Free discovery call with #MA50%off-coach.   

Anastasia Piper – Anastasia

Anastasia Hayes Piper, is a Master Teacher on Change & Transitions, an Inspirational intellectual Medium and the creator of Know Your Own Greatness. Know Your Own Greatness is an illuminated pathway that was created to guide those seeking transformation. The process reflects her life experiences and how they led her to take responsibility to elevate her consciousness and change her world. Born in New York City she has worked and travelled the world. Anastasia has a unique understanding of the planet and it’s people. 50% discount for MA members.

Lyn Williams – .lynw

Lyn Williams, B.MSc, Reiki Master, Holistic Energy Practitioner​, Intuitive Psychic Advisor/Professional Tarot Reader. I’m based in Sedona, Arizona, USA, but through the magic of Zoom, I serve my clients remotely with amazing results! My psychic talents include Claircognizance (Clear Intuitive Knowing) and the ability to communicate with some of the Angels and Masters. I’ve been working with them for over 20 years. I don’t ‘channel’ them, we just talk! My intention is to lend a helping hand by assisting you in finding the answers that are right for you.