It’s your time.
Play, create, imagine, uncover, laugh at limits, break barriers, lighten up, go deeper, sense, experience, align — be energy.
Welcome to your remembering experience.
It’s not exactly a learning experience, it’s more of a remembering experience. Mastering Alchemy’s five-level online course path, specialized topic coursework and live classes are designed to help you cultivate tools to create, observe, dream bigger, shed limits, and build a healthier, more intentional life, using the power you’ve had within you all along. We are here to support you as you remember this power.
Your internal guidance system has been waiting for you. The time is now to plug it in and start playing.
- Apply simple tools and methods to navigate difficult life circumstances more easily.
- Discover your blind spots and learn how to uncover them so that you can move forward.
- Examine the choices you have made in creating your life and why you choose what you choose.
- Recognize whose life you’re living, whose thoughts you’re actually thinking and whose beliefs guide you — they may not be yours.
- Become more aware of your own intuitive abilities and how to use them.
- Find our supportive online community of others looking to design their lives.
This is going to be fun. It’s going to be simple — AND while not always easy, you can’t do it wrong.
Your membership includes:
Methods, exercises and applications
40+ hours of instructional video and audio within four uniquely focused, self-paced classrooms.
Live monthly classes
Current, in-depth conversations and energy exercises to further your expanding mastery.
Your community
Connect with others exploring the Mastering Alchemy pathway in a private online community — ask questions, share experiences and co-create!

What will you ultimately find?
That’s up to you. This experience is choose-your-own-adventure. It’s not possible to do it wrong. Think of it as an energetic playground for you to explore and experiment with.
It’s time to peel back the layers of who you are not so that you can remember who you really are. No shame, no pain, no fear. Just your own creativity and the passion that comes with being your authentic self.
You’re big. You’re significant. You have so much to contribute to humanity and to Earth as a whole. Let’s remember our true selves and discover how we can make changes for the positive — together.

Another Path
For many years I didn’t seem to know what I actually wanted. Once I started using the Rose tool to clear others out of my space, I had clarity about what I wanted. Not much happened. Then I became aware that I couldn’t have what I wanted. Once I cleared that out, what I wanted arrived rapidly, effortlessly – even playfully! Happy and grateful for MA and these amazing tools!
Sally, U.S.
By changing the frequency of thought and altering the harmonics of matter, you can then apply the element of Love to create your desired results.
A different Box
There’s Another Choice