Become a Partner

Join us in saying ‘hello’ to all who are seeking.

Let’s co-create

Sharing the hello

Mastering Alchemy was created out of an agreement with all who wish to move deeper into their heart space and live from their authenticity. Offering concepts and tools to help to leave behind the conditions and programming in order to set up a platform of wellbeing to choose and create the reality you want. It’s intentional living from its purest form. Living, being, and expressing the love you are. This is the invitation, the ‘Hello’, that is Mastering Alchemy.

Would you like to say hello to others too? To share the opportunity with those who are seeking their authentic hello, as you express and seek your own?

Would you like to be partner?

Mastering Alchemy would like to partner with those want to share in expanding this heart-centered hello with people who are wanting to empower and uplift themselves. And with that power, they can change our world and communities.

We know that, as a partner, you have already benefited from the courses and are excited to share them and your experiences with your audience or clients.

We also know as you share your unique experiences, how you live and apply the concepts and tools of Mastering Alchemy, you are express your authentic hello. This in turn becomes an invitation for them to do the same. 100% for you, 100% for them. It’s the apple.

It is our goal, in this partner’s program to co-create with you. In this effort, there are many unique ways to share. We are excited to hear how you would like to share.

only the beginning

What it could look like for you…

Be a co-creator with the Mastering Alchemy Team as we continue to develop new opportunities.

  • Share special Mastering Alchemy class links and receive a 20% kick back.  This includes monthly memberships!
  • Share Mastering Alchemy provided content on your own social or media channels or website
  • Share the basic tools in sessions with clients in your own business.
  • Hold a special role in our global Discord community.
  • Host discussions on topics in applying the tools or concepts in Mastering Alchemy.
  • Host experiential classes playing with energy tools such as exploding roses around a topic like anger or anxiety.
  • Be listed as a partner on our website with a short paragraph about you and link to your website, if desired.
  • Attend exclusive partner meetings to ask questions, receive support and helpful tips.

Program Requirements

  • Completed Level 1 course.
  • Have or get an account to be a member on Discord.  All communication to partners happens on this platform. Please frequently.
  • Attend at a minimum, attend 1 program call twice a year.  They will be held quarterly.  In them, we discuss questions, any challenges and share helpful tips.  It’s our time to co-create.
  • Agree to follow the policies, terms and conditions as laid out in the following document
View Terms and Conditions

Ready to co-create? It’s time!

If you are interested, please send an email to 
Please include any plans or ideas how you want to share Mastering Alchemy.
They don’t have to be perfect, it is a co-creation after all!

If this timing doesn’t for you, no problem.  We’ll be opening this up again in the future. 
You are always right on time.

Feel free to email us if you have further questions.