Content and tools from the Level 1-2-3 programs. Connect with the Teachers of Light directly as you absorb the energetics embedded in every page.
Follow step-by-step tools to manifest a new way of being and step out of the crazy chaos of the third dimension into the higher consciousness of the fifth.
This unique, interactive book offers a self-contained program to access a totally new way of life. It is A Course in Miracles for the 21st Century. Free, private online classroom available only to readers of this book.
A Course in Mastering Alchemy has been specifically orchestrated by the Teachers of Light to expand your understanding, your consciousness, and your ability to use the new energy tools and manifestation techniques they offer.
What makes this book unique?
Have you ever had a most delicious meal that tasted so much better than you could imagine? And not only that but also fills you in a way, that allowed you to work and play with an extra measure of energy and Light? Nothing could stand in your way!! You could accomplish anything, in a very unlimited way and feel satisfied. Well, this book does exactly that and much more! Thank you so very much. It is a delight to share this meal with you.
LL, Canada
Your book is like a handrail on my journey. Here in Switzerland, if you go high up in the mountains, you have sometimes to cross exposed areas. To secure it, they put cables on the hillsides and you can go forwards because you know how to put your foot. That is your book for me. Sometimes I have a question, I am unable to formulate it, but I can feel it inside. So I open your book…and it helps. Thank you. Your book is very well structured and each chapter has many layers. The depth will reveal itself by going on.
ES, Switzerland
A thousand thank you’s. I have been grounding for many years and this has helped, but the added technique of adding a second cord around the first enables a much more thorough grounding. I have heard of the Rose tool before but have not used it in the way you describe it. This has also been of tremendous help. Yesterday I was able to climb above the noise and confusion for a brief time and realize my true self. Thank you for your amazing book and online videos.
GW, New Zealand
A great barometer of change is when we meet an old friend and they notice big changes in us. Recently I spent some days with a dear friend of 40 years. We’ve always kept in touch but during this recent visit, she noticed I was so much more calm, confident, and happy. Great feedback and another confirmation that this priceless course is bringing me rich rewards. My deepest gratitude.
EH, Ireland
Have you ever had a most delicious meal that tasted so much better than you could imagine? And not only that but also fills you in a way, that allowed you to work and play with an extra measure of energy and Light? Nothing could stand in your way!! You could accomplish anything, in a very unlimited way and feel satisfied. Well, this book does exactly that and much more! Thank you so very much. It is a delight to share this meal with you.
LL, Canada
Your book is like a handrail on my journey. Here in Switzerland, if you go high up in the mountains, you have sometimes to cross exposed areas. To secure it, they put cables on the hillsides and you can go forwards because you know how to put your foot. That is your book for me. Sometimes I have a question, I am unable to formulate it, but I can feel it inside. So I open your book…and it helps. Thank you. Your book is very well structured and each chapter has many layers. The depth will reveal itself by going on.
ES, Switzerland
A thousand thank you’s. I have been grounding for many years and this has helped, but the added technique of adding a second cord around the first enables a much more thorough grounding. I have heard of the Rose tool before but have not used it in the way you describe it. This has also been of tremendous help. Yesterday I was able to climb above the noise and confusion for a brief time and realize my true self. Thank you for your amazing book and online videos.
GW, New Zealand
A great barometer of change is when we meet an old friend and they notice big changes in us. Recently I spent some days with a dear friend of 40 years. We’ve always kept in touch but during this recent visit, she noticed I was so much more calm, confident, and happy. Great feedback and another confirmation that this priceless course is bringing me rich rewards. My deepest gratitude.
EH, Ireland
Have you ever had a most delicious meal that tasted so much better than you could imagine? And not only that but also fills you in a way, that allowed you to work and play with an extra measure of energy and Light? Nothing could stand in your way!! You could accomplish anything, in a very unlimited way and feel satisfied. Well, this book does exactly that and much more! Thank you so very much. It is a delight to share this meal with you.
LL, Canada
Your book is like a handrail on my journey. Here in Switzerland, if you go high up in the mountains, you have sometimes to cross exposed areas. To secure it, they put cables on the hillsides and you can go forwards because you know how to put your foot. That is your book for me. Sometimes I have a question, I am unable to formulate it, but I can feel it inside. So I open your book…and it helps. Thank you. Your book is very well structured and each chapter has many layers. The depth will reveal itself by going on.
You’ve heard it from the best teachers: Know what you want …Break old patterns … Enjoy life … Feel better… Help yourself … Don’t let them bother you. But exactly, HOW DO YOU DO THAT?
Spirit Matters offers very easy-to-follow, step-by-step tools that will give you practical and immediate results. You will notice stress leave and confidence return at once. You will no longer feel the effects of pushy people. You’ll be able to move through life with greater ease, amusement and well-being. Contains many real-life stories illustrating the power and magic of these Energy Tools. Based upon Roxane Burnett and Jim Self’s successful, international seminars.
You will keep this book handy as you move deeper into the truth of who you are. Remarkable results with simple tools. Clear instructions
John Osborne, Natural Health & Beauty Magazine
With these tools, I realize I was directed by others’ wants, not mine. Now I’m loving my life.
Steve G., Real Estate Broker, Atlanta, GA
This is the next step in consciousness development. Release the doubts and self-limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in destructive patterns and re-wire your neuropathways.
Glynda Lee Hoffmann, Brain Researcher, The Secret Dowry of Eve
By using the tools I’ve been able to switch the mood in meetings from being confrontational to pleasant and productive. At a recent national sales meeting, I was able to literally step out of the stress and chaos and regain my own sense of focus, clarity and composure. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to de-stress and obtain greater self-awareness.
Angela S-D., Director of Sales and Marketing, Camarillo, CA
You will keep this book handy as you move deeper into the truth of who you are. Remarkable results with simple tools. Clear instructions
John Osborne, Natural Health & Beauty Magazine
With these tools, I realize I was directed by others’ wants, not mine. Now I’m loving my life.
Steve G., Real Estate Broker, Atlanta, GA
This is the next step in consciousness development. Release the doubts and self-limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in destructive patterns and re-wire your neuropathways.
Glynda Lee Hoffmann, Brain Researcher, The Secret Dowry of Eve
By using the tools I’ve been able to switch the mood in meetings from being confrontational to pleasant and productive. At a recent national sales meeting, I was able to literally step out of the stress and chaos and regain my own sense of focus, clarity and composure. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to de-stress and obtain greater self-awareness.
Angela S-D., Director of Sales and Marketing, Camarillo, CA
You will keep this book handy as you move deeper into the truth of who you are. Remarkable results with simple tools. Clear instructions
John Osborne, Natural Health & Beauty Magazine
With these tools, I realize I was directed by others’ wants, not mine. Now I’m loving my life.
Steve G., Real Estate Broker, Atlanta, GA
What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?
There is a change underway, a Shift that is not only altering our consciousness, it is affecting every aspect of life on the planet. In simple terms, the old habits of thinking, feeling, and behaving that we know as the third dimension are going away. We are all shifting into a fourth, and then into a fifth-dimensional consciousness and experience. As exciting as this transition is, it is also creating difficulties for many who are suddenly experiencing feelings, situations, and emotions for which they have no frame of reference.
Explain what the Shift is all about, why it’s happening now, and how it’s affecting all of us.
Explain what the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions are, and why they are the most important considerations of your life right now.
Provide you with many simple yet profound tools and strategies that have helped thousands move fluidly through the unprecedented changes of this Shift without the fear, effort, tension, and anxiety that has been the daily habit of our lives.