Take Time to Reflect
Winter Solstice and the holidays are behind us and we’ve said goodbye to 2022. The new year brings with it a time of reflection. January is a time of letting go of the past year by allowing and accepting what was, and what is. It’s an age-old cycle that we’re participating in by releasing the old, and looking toward the opportunities of the new year.
Set aside time before jumping into the next year to reflect on the last one. It’s important to recognize and celebrate your successes. What happened that you loved? How did it feel? Spending time feeling the joy again anchors the positive energy into your space. This creates greater wellbeing for you by physically and mentally relaxing from the many cares and emotions.

Celebrate Failure and Release Expectations
Reflecting on our successes will often bring up our failures as well. Failure is an important part of growth. Pulling growth from failure can seem tedious to some, but we can reframe this. The greater the failure the greater the opportunity for success to follow. Did you discover any blind spots or gain any new perspectives? What expectations did you have? Did you give yourself room or permission? Did you have enough support or information to get you from point A to point B?
From a place of compassion for yourself, look at what didn’t work. Develop the ability to detach from feelings of loss and find feelings that support observing what didn’t work. New choices and opportunities will be available as you let go of old expectations and cultivate more curiosity.
A New Starting Point
This process of sorting through the last year and letting go creates a new starting point. From here, you’ll see additional choices and opportunities that aren’t clouded by emotional attachments or failures haunting you from the past. Now you can step into the present moment from this stronger platform of wellbeing, and begin to look at the opportunities ahead. Begin to look at what you want to create in 2023, and beyond.

Tips for Acing 2023
In kindness and respect, let go of individuals who aren’t interested in what you have to share as well as their expectations for you. Understand that everyone is on a different path in this life.
Let go of expectations and cultivate curiosity. Sometimes expectations limit you from receiving more. Be curious and allow creative ideas about how your goals will be achieved.
Make time for quiet reflection or journaling. Observe your day or any challenges from neutrality. This allows you to see what you couldn’t.
Discover how to her your inner wisdom. Albert Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” Know that your intuition guides you while your rational mind lays the steps and structure for you to follow through.
Get comfortable with uncomfortable change. Whether changes are internal or worldwide, change will happen. Instead of being in fear and avoidance around change, embrace the discomfort as an opportunity to realign. Stay focused on the bigger picture.
Focus on your wellbeing. Understanding, acceptance, and intuition come through relaxing and celebrating yourself. You’ve come a long way and need to validate yourself with gratitude.
Ask for help. There’s nothing wrong or weak about asking for help. Ask others to share their gifts with you. Besides, it is more fun to grow together.
You do not need to do this alone.
How Mastering Alchemy Can Help
Mastering Alchemy offers courses, tools, and strategies to help you stay grounded and calm even in difficult situations. Build a platform to stay present and become more aware as you understand how to manage your own energy more masterfully. Enhance your energy field and current intuitive abilities. Begin in Level One with our flagship immersive course and connect with others in our supportive community. The Foundation membership provides access to multiple video courses, meditations, and our live monthly series, Building a Pathway Home.
Additional articles are available and free resources, meditations, and audio recordings.
New Year’s gives everyone a chance to reflect and reset. You don’t need to do this work on your own. We’re here to walk beside you in this journey toward a healthy, spiritually aware, and grounded 2023.
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