
Journey, Level 5

March 19, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT

Level 5 Q&A call

We offer an exclusive live call with Jim for all those in Level 5. Join us at 11am PDT for this transformative experience.

Journey, Level 3

March 18, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT

Level 3 and Level 4 Q&A call

We offer an exclusive live call with Jim for all those in Level 3 and Level 4. Join us at 11am PDT for this transformative experience.

Core, Journey, Mastery

February 27, 5:00PM PST | 8:00PM EST

Deep Dive Live Series: Allowing endings to be new beginnings

There’s that word again… Allowing. Holding onto what was can prevent you from seeing what is being offered now. Not recognizing a completion prevents the start of a new adventure. Would you like to explore how to tell the difference?
