
Core, Level 2

August 12, 5:00PM PDT | 8:00PM EDT

Level 2 Q&A Call

We offer two exclusive live calls with Jim for all those in Level 2 to meet the needs of our students living around the globe. Feel free to attend either or both calls at 11am or 5pm.

Core, Foundation, Journey, Mastery

August 31, 9:00AM PDT | 12:00PM EDT

The great town hall community conversation

Join the whole Mastering Alchemy community in our Town Hall call.  We'll cover some of the latest news, changes, and upcoming events for the next month.  And of course, time for great conversation to say hello and hear from you!

Core, Journey, Mastery

August 22, 5:00PM PDT | 8:00PM EDT

Deep Dive Live Series: How wise are you?

Big changes are occurring globally. How are they affecting you? A wise person will pause, slow down, take a breath, and observe… then allow their choice to come to them. Are you that wise person?

Core, Foundation, Journey, Mastery

July 27, 9:00AM PDT | 12:00PM EDT

The great town hall community conversation

Join the whole Mastering Alchemy community in our Town Hall call. We'll cover some of the latest news, changes, and upcoming events for the next month. And of course, time for great conversation to say hello and hear from you!
