Do you remember who you are?
It may seem strange to think about “remembering who you are,” but you might not even realize that you’ve forgotten. Often, we grow up influenced by parents, peers, teachers, or religious leaders–people trying to be helpful by telling us how to live our lives. It can be harsh and commanding, “Do what I say,” or “That’s not okay.” Or it can be as subtle as a raised eyebrow that tells you, “We don’t do that.”
These experiences can knock you out of your body, especially being yelled at. In those moments, you leave the center of your head until you feel safe again. However, that punishment still sits there. They have climbed into the center of your head.
It now gets more challenging to manage yourself. You become even more uncertain about your safety or ability to be accepted and fit in. This can make you tentative about moving back into the center of your head, breeding self-doubt. “Do I have permission? Will I be okay? Will others approve of me?”
We learn to give our power to other people’s thoughts and beliefs. They may have good intentions in telling us how we should behave, who we should be friends with, what we should do to be successful, and how we should navigate life. Through this, we tend to stop listening to our internal guidance system and abandon our truth.

Finding and clearing out the Center of Your Head is key to remembering who you are. Recognize that this is your space; everyone else is just a visitor. You have the power to say, “This is mine. Please leave.” You can change this habit.
Find balance and be more present.
Increase your self-awareness and gain back your autonomy.
By practicing this technique, you’re cultivating a personal sanctuary within your mind where you can live in peace, clarity, and your authentic self. This practice not only aids in personal growth but also in navigating life’s complexities with a stronger sense of self.
Where exactly is the Center of Your Head?
To find the Center of Your Head, follow these steps:
1. Place an index finger on each side of your head at the soft spot where your temples are. Close your eyes.
2. Visualize an imaginary line that runs through your head from one finger to the other.
3. Rotate your fingers 90 degrees around your head until one finger is in the center of your forehead, just above your nose, and the other is directly opposite, at the back of your head.
4. Visualize another line running through your head from one finger to the other, front to back.
5. Focus on the intersection of these two lines; this point is slightly above your eyes and behind them. This is the Center of Your Head.
6. Put your hands down and look through your eyes as if they were windows. Take a breath.
7. With your eyes closed, glance at the room around you. Don’t try to see anything. Just be aware of yourself in the Center of Your Head.
8. Look around the Center of Your Head and create a comfortable space to spend your time (your life!). It could be a room or place in nature. Own this space. Open your eyes when you’re ready.
Try it. What did you notice?
Are you in a different state of awareness than before you began the exercise? Most likely, the answer is “yes.” Did you move? Like sitting further back in your chair? Do you feel more relaxed? Being in the Center of Your Head is not a place where most people spend time. Congratulations! Although this may not seem like a big deal, it’s a huge deal and will become more apparent over time. Practice this exercise a few times to help anchor this awareness.
tips and tricks
What else you may notice.
- It’s not unusual to experience occasional noise or chatter in this space. Those are old energies and voices of the past protesting this change in you. Just remember, that isn’t you. Think of it this way: you’re changing the game.
- The old energy or ‘people’ hanging out in the Center of Your Head may not like that you’re evicting them. They grumble and protest, but you, the owner, are moving back in, and the squatters must leave. If you’re dealing with that chatter, use the Grounding Cord or the Rose tool to drain them out or collect them up to move them out. It’s time to give back their energy and reclaim your space.
- If you have a song stuck in your head or are repeating words or scenarios, use the tools to clear out the old energy to quiet your mind.
- Consider how you would like to live from this space in the Center of Your Head. Understanding who you are requires that you be in present-time, not leaning into the future or living in the past.
When you observe the outside world from the Center of Your Head, you have a present-time point of observation and awareness. This allows you to become more neutral and less reactive as you observe what’s in front of you. From this perspective, more possibilities will open up even in difficult circumstances.
This energy space is not restricted; it can be animated and full of excitement while still being a space you manage. This is where you begin to know yourself. You are moving from the dense third dimension to this higher state of consciousness, and it all starts from the Center of Your Head.
This is where you begin to know yourself.
Come play with us!
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There’s a path that’s never been taken before… begin the journey in our Energy Essentials Level 1 class and step onto a unique path of self-discovery. You’ll explore powerful, yet simple tools and concepts to manage and enhance your energetics–to navigate life so much easier. Discover who you came here to be.
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All of the Energy Essentials course was valuable, especially the repetition of the basics over and over. The graphics of the personal energy field were very helpful. I liked the rose and saying “I like me” for their immediate and dramatic shifts.
J. H. – United States
This is reinforcing that we have a choice in each moment and how to use the energy to assist us.
V. H. – England
This course works. I have experienced many benefits and will continue to use these great tools.
J. E. – United States