The Shift

The Rays of Creation

With this next energetic shift there is an opportunity to use these powerful Rays at expanded levels. 3D’s rigidity, control and limitation are weakening. The opportunity to successfully loosen, dismantle and clear the resistance is increasingly available to you. Listen to this exceptional class talking about the Rays of Creation, what they are and how we use them every day.

Listening Time 80 minutes

The story of the Fall of Consciousness

Wait… what if there was no Fall of Consciousness? What if it was a made-up story? Or maybe a story that got lost in transition, forgotten and reinvented on the journey all the way to this very minute? Bad angels? No … but some very surprising events occurred on the way from the Creator’s first thought to where we find ourselves today. Watch Jim Self recount the story as told to him by the Archangels.

Reading Time 28 minutes

The Story of the Fall of Consciousness Part 2: Creation can’t be destroyed, only transformed

Things in the third dimension, as it turned out, worked a little differently. Constructs were built, creativity and ideas judged. Without the Light of the Creator, there was no pause for vulnerability. The question asked to humanity right now is “Can you find the light?” How do we get that back?

Viewing Time 13 minutes

How do we navigate the uneasy excitement of the solstice energy?

As the solstice approaches, we find ourselves in an energetic state of both awe and unease. This upcoming solstice, you might be feeling that unsettled feeling more than usual, as the first solstice of 2023 will be bringing with it the next Wave of Light. It’s time to use this energy, to harness it for personal and collective transformation. Here’s our opportunity to experience it more fully. 

Reading Time 8 minutes

The Shift

The Shift is finally here! Find out what we’re shifting away from, what we’re moving toward, and how this new energy creates opportunities for positive change.

Reading Time 10 minutes

Where is Home?

You say everyone is going Home. Where is Home?

In fifth dimensional space, which we define really simply as wellbeing, happy, appreciation, gratitude, respect, dignity, laughter, kindness, there is no war. There is no anger, rage, resentment. That’s the baggage that got left behind. So now you’re living in the same house, sitting in the same chair and you’re happy, you’re respectful.

Who will I be without my baggage?

Who will I be when all this baggage goes away? Will the change be so drastic that I don’t fit in anymore?

What happens is, in a way, the answer is yes, you won’t fit in anymore. But what does that mean? So I, I’m not comfortable around people. It’s too noisy. People are angry. That’s what you’re not going to fit into anymore. You begin to let go of the “I’m not okay”,”I don’t deserve” type of baggage that we walk around with. It’s your journey. It’s you exploring and evolving into who you actually are.