February 22, 11:00AM PST | 2:00PM EST
Mastery Membership Q&A Call
Join us for a live Q&A with Jim! Send your questions via email beforehand, and find the links in your classroom. Bring your questions—we can't wait to see you there!
ClassroomFebruary 23, 11:00AM PST | 2:00PM EST
Project Park Bench
Gather together with us on the second and fourth Sunday of each month to create a new realm of consciousness in respect, balance, and well-being.
Attend Live on YouTube Sign up for reminders past livestreamsFebruary 26, 11:00AM PST | 2:00PM EST
Ask a Mentor – with Dillon & Victoria
Join our seasoned alchemy mentors, Dillon and Victoria, to ask any questions you have about Mastering Alchemy, especially those playing in Level 1 and 2 coursework. Looking forward to saying hello!
Join the call meet the mentorsFebruary 26, 5:00PM PST | 8:00PM EST
Ask a Mentor – with Dorota & Lisa
Join our seasoned alchemy mentors, Dorota and Lisa, to ask any questions you have about Mastering Alchemy, especially those playing in Level 1 and 2 coursework. Looking forward to saying hello!
Join the call meet the mentorsFebruary 27, 5:00PM PST | 8:00PM EST
Deep Dive Live Series: Allowing endings to be new beginnings
There’s that word again… Allowing. Holding onto what was can prevent you from seeing what is being offered now. Not recognizing a completion prevents the start of a new adventure. Would you like to explore how to tell the difference?
RegisterMarch 6, 11:00AM PST | 2:00PM EST
Community Rose Explosion
Community Rose Explosion is Back!! 🌹 Join Michelle Wincell O'Leary to gather as a community on Discord-- as we move into the Spring Equinox!
Join the callMarch 11, 4:00PM PDT | 7:00PM EDT
Sound and Light Language Exploration
Come explore light language and sound exploration with us in a supportive and creative environment.
Join usMarch 13, 5:00PM PDT | 8:00PM EDT
Mastery Live Series
This twice-monthly series is designed by Jim and the Teachers in present-time. Each monthly topic reflects the energetics within you the individual, and within our Mastery Community.
RegisterMarch 16, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT
Project Park Bench
Gather together with us on the second and fourth Sunday of each month to create a new realm of consciousness in respect, balance, and well-being.
Attend Live on YouTube Sign up for reminders past livestreamsMarch 17, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT
Level 2 Q&A Call
We offer an exclusive live call with Jim for all those in Level 2. Join us at 11am PDT for this transformative experience.
ClassroomMarch 18, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT
Level 3 and Level 4 Q&A call
We offer an exclusive live call with Jim for all those in Level 3 and Level 4. Join us at 11am PDT for this transformative experience.
ClassroomMarch 18, 4:00PM PDT | 7:00PM EDT
Neurodiversity and M.A. topics
Explore topics on neurodiversity and Mastering Alchemy in a welcoming and inclusive space. All experience levels and drop-ins are welcome!
Join the callMarch 19, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT
Level 5 Q&A call
We offer an exclusive live call with Jim for all those in Level 5. Join us at 11am PDT for this transformative experience.
ClassroomMarch 20, 5:00PM PDT | 8:00PM EDT
Mastery Live Series
This twice-monthly series is designed by Jim and the Teachers in present-time. Each monthly topic reflects the energetics within you the individual, and within our Mastery Community.
RegisterMarch 23, 11:00AM PDT | 2:00PM EDT
Project Park Bench
Gather together with us to create a new realm of consciousness in respect, balance, and well-being.
Attend Live on YouTube Sign up for reminders past livestreams