
Do you know where you are?

Where are you in relation to what you want? Where are you emotionally? Are you satisfied? How about mentally? Do you manage your thoughts? Discover where you stand emotionally and mentally and how these answers help you navigate towards achieving what you want.

Expanding consciousness beyond labels | Morning Conversations

Jim and Roxane discuss the limitations of labels like “spirituality” in our 3D reality. They explore how these labels confine our beliefs whereas consciousness is not limited by such labels. They emphasize expanding awareness and letting go of restrictions. The conversation hints at a future where consciousness allows instant manifestation of desires.

The story of the Fall of Consciousness

Wait… what if there was no Fall of Consciousness? What if it was a made-up story? Or maybe a story that got lost in transition, forgotten and reinvented on the journey all the way to this very minute? Bad angels? No … but some very surprising events occurred on the way from the Creator’s first thought to where we find ourselves today. Watch Jim Self recount the story as told to him by the Archangels.

Who’s life are you living?

Is it yours or someone else’s? Do you sometimes ask yourself, “What’s wrong with me?”
What if NOTHING is wrong with you? What if that uncomfortable feeling or thought is someone else’s idea of success or wellbeing and it’s not in alignment with who you are? Maybe you’re trying to live someone else’s idea of life and living it on their terms.
Would you like to learn how to live your life on your terms?