
All about the Octave

There is a new level of consciousness available. It’s a shift away from the challenges and limitations we may currently find ourselves in. It’s an alignment into a new state of vibrational frequency. A state of being called the Octave.  It is smoother, allowing, enjoyable, much more comfortable and exciting.

Reading Time 65 minutes

Are you engaging from hesitation or excitement?

Are you engaging from hesitation or excitement? We hesitate all the time without recognizing it.  It’s simply a habit.  We step back into fear instead of stepping forward with excitement and possibility. It is not uncommon to watch an artist paint something that doesn’t look the way they originally intended.  They could get upset and wrap a magnetic charge around the “mistake”, layering it with all kinds of “why am I awful painter”. Do you?

Reading Time 8 minutes

There’s a new game, want to play?

We are moving into playing life on a new game board, with new rules and structures. A key aspect in moving to the new game board is that you will start to simply know more. We are not just one thing – we are multi-layered beings comprised of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that are not […]

Reading Time 8 minutes

With the help of a simple rose

Navigating and managing life challenges can be a heavy or difficult affair.  What if there was a way to make it easier?  For those who are considered empaths or HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) large crowds or social setting are challenging.  What if it wasn’t a matter of blocking or protecting yourself, but simply a definition to know what energy belongs to you, where you stop and start.

The Rose tool, introduced in the Foundation course in Mastering Alchemy, is a fundamental tool that helps you position yourself so that you can be in the world, but not be tossed around by it.

Reading Time 35 minutes

The story of the Fall of Consciousness

Wait… what if there was no Fall of Consciousness? What if it was a made-up story? Or maybe a story that got lost in transition, forgotten and reinvented on the journey all the way to this very minute? Bad angels? No … but some very surprising events occurred on the way from the Creator’s first thought to where we find ourselves today. Watch Jim Self recount the story as told to him by the Archangels.

Reading Time 28 minutes

How do we navigate the uneasy excitement of the solstice energy?

As the solstice approaches, we find ourselves in an energetic state of both awe and unease. This upcoming solstice, you might be feeling that unsettled feeling more than usual, as the first solstice of 2023 will be bringing with it the next Wave of Light. It’s time to use this energy, to harness it for personal and collective transformation. Here’s our opportunity to experience it more fully. 

Reading Time 8 minutes

Accelerate into the ‘create’ aspect — the time is now 

Excitement offers us a powerful, creative freedom — but where can we play with that power and creativity? Fear and excitement operate in the same vibrational frequency. The difference is that fear keeps us stuck, or “safe,” in our old patterns, patterns which have mostly been handed down to us. Fear keeps us anchored in belief systems that may not even be ours to begin with.

Reading Time 8 minutes