
Grounding: A foundational tool to know yourself

Grounding is a powerful practice that aligns you with clarity, emotional stability, and self-awareness. Come explore the concept of the Grounding Cord, which consists of two components: an electrical line that drains non-aligned thoughts and a magnetic coil that clears uncomfortable emotions.

The power of energy tools

The energy tools shared in the Mastering Alchemy coursework play a significant role in shaping your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. They are designed to help you align your thoughts, emotions, and intentions.

All about the Octave

There is a new level of consciousness available. It’s a shift away from the challenges and limitations we may currently find ourselves in. It’s an alignment into a new state of vibrational frequency.

There’s a new game, want to play?

Consider how the “game” has been played in a certain way for a long time – presenting just two choices, one deemed good and one bad. But what if there’s a whole new game board available, with new rules and new ways to play?

The story of the Fall of Consciousness

Wait… what if there was no Fall of Consciousness? What if it was a made-up story? Or maybe a story that got lost in transition, forgotten and reinvented on the journey all the way to this very minute? Bad angels? No … but some very surprising events occurred on the way from the Creator’s first thought to where we find ourselves today. Watch Jim Self recount the story as told to him by the Archangels.